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Transportation Planning


BCATS conducts many transportation activities including the development of a 20-year long range plan, called the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and the compilation of a 4-year short range program, called the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).



2045 Metropolitan

Transportation Plan


The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan was approved by the BCATS Policy Committee on February 23, 2022. The full 222-page document can be viewed here or view the Executive Summary here.


Each year an updated System Performance Report, first prepared as part of the MTP, needs to be completed by the metropolitan planning organization.  BCATS' 2024 update of the System Performance Report can be found here.


FY 2023-2026




AMENDMENT #13December 2024

The thirteenth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in December and unanimously approved by BCATS Policy Committee on December 18th. Subsequent processing through State & Federal officials led to final Fed-approval granted 1/6/25 for the included projects to proceed as amended. The amendment consisted of actions identified in the list, available here.

AMENDMENT #12 - September 2024

The twelfth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in September and unanimously approved by BCATS Policy Committee on September 25th. Subsequent processing through State & Federal officials led to final Fed-approval granted 9/30/24 for the included projects to proceed as amended. The amendment consisted of actions identified in the memo here

AMENDMENT #11 - July 2024

The eleventh amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in July, with unanimous local approval by BCATS Policy Committee on July 24th. Subsequent processing thru State & Federal officials was completed with final Fed-approval granted 8/16/24 for the included projects to proceed as amended. The amendment consisted of actions identified in the memo here.
One item in Amendment #11 was to advertise the Statewide deployment of National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funds for electric vehicle charging station construction, as determined by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) analysis and funding goals, and as listed in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). For more information on the overall NEVI project, found within the STIP, please visit State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) (michigan.gov).

AMENDMENT #10 - May 2024

The tenth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in May, with approval by Policy Committee on May 22nd.  Subsequent processing thru State & Federal officials was completed and Fed-approval granted 6/14/24 for the included project to proceed as amended. The amendment consisted of action identified in the Policy Committee memo here.


AMENDMENT #9 - March 2024

The ninth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in March, with BCATS Policy Committee approval on 3/27/24, followed by transmittal to MDOT for review and then on to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 4/19/24.  The included projects can all now proceed as amended. The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.


AMENDMENT #8 - January 2024

The eighth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in January, with Policy Committee approval 1/24/24.  The amendment was transmitted to MDOT for review and then forwarded to Federal officials for final review and Fed approval, granted 2/14/24, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.

AMENDMENT #7 - November 2023

The seventh amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in November, with Policy Committee approval on 11/15/23.  The amendment was transmitted to MDOT for review and then forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 12/7/23, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.


AMENDMENT #6 - September 2023

The sixth amendment to the current FY 2023-2026 TIP was presented to the BCATS Committees in September, with Policy Committee approval on 9/27/23.  The amendment was transmitted MDOT for review and then forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 10/18/23, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  Details of the amendment are listed at this link.


AMENDMENT #5 - May 2023

The fifth amendment to the current TIP was addressed by the BCATS Committees in May, with local approval 5/24/23 at Policy Committee. The amendment package was transmitted to MDOT in early June for State review and then forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 6/15/23, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  Details of the amendment can be read here.


AMENDMENT #4 - March 2023

The fourth amendment to the current TIP was addressed by the BCATS Committees in March, with local approval 3/22/23 at Policy Committee. The amendment package was transmitted to MDOT in early April for State review and then forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 4/17/23, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.


AMENDMENT #3 - December 2022

The third amendment to the current TIP was addressed by the BCATS Committees in December 2022, with local approval 12/14/22 at Policy Committee. The amendment package was transmitted to MDOT for State review and forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 1/24/23, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.


AMENDMENT #2 - September 2022

The second amendment to the current TIP was addressed by the BCATS Committees in September 2022, with local approval 9/28/22 at Policy Committee. The amendment package was transmitted to MDOT for State review and forwarded to Federal officials for final review and approval, granted 10/19/22, for the included projects to proceed as amended.  The amendment consisted of actions outlined in this memo provided to Policy Committee.


AMENDMENT #1:  The establishment of the new TIP for FY23-26 with FY24-26 projects added to FY23 projects carried over from the previous TIP is considered Amendment #1 to the FY23-26 TIP. 






Archived Plans/Programs

2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (November 2016)

2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (June 2011)

FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (July 2016)

FY 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (July 2013)

FY 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (July 2010)



Battle Creek Area Transportation Study (BCATS)  |  601 Avenue A  |  Springfield, MI  49037  |  269-963-1158  |  bcats@bcatsmpo.org