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Asset Management

BCATS serves as the coordinator for data collection, data distribution and dissemination for pavement condition data within the BCATS area under the State of Michigan's Asset Management Council's charge to implement Public Act 499 of 2002.  Teams of three persons periodically rate the federal-aid eligible roadways in the area and assign a condition rating between 1 and 10 to each road segment based on the PASER road rating system.  BCATS will display the PASER ratings for area roads as they are available.


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BCATS staff has worked to develop additional summary material based on the Asset Management Data for the BCATS area through 2017.  The information is available HERE

In March, 2017, BCATS staff prepared an overview of Asset Management Data collected on Federal-Aid eligible roads over the last several evaluation periods.  That summary is available HERE

Visit the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) website for further information and dashboards featuring BCATS.

Battle Creek Area Transportation Study (BCATS)  |  601 Avenue A  |  Springfield, MI  49037  |  269-963-1158  |  bcats@bcatsmpo.org